Thursday, July 19, 2012

Two Rocks Marine Rescue - Skipper training

Yesterday I was called down to the base for a rescue. A 6mt boat had engine failure off the coast. The people on board, two adults and a child had put down their anchor and were waiting for the TRVMRG to come and give them a tow back to the marina.

The duty skipper of the day told me that I was to be the acting skipper and coordinate the rescue, he would be there standing by to assist if necessary. This was the first time I have had to coordinate a rescue and although it felt a bit daunting I knew that through my weeks of training I was capable. The skippers job is to organise and instruct the crew, firstly handling the ropes launching the boat and communicating by radio.

I helmed the boat out to the distressed boat and gave instructions to the crew where I was going to bring our boat alongside so that we could pass the tow rope. The swells were 3-4mts high, but luckily there was no wind or choppy seas. We managed to get the rope across and then paid out enough length to comfortably tow the boat back to the marina.

Coming along side the jetty with a boat behind was a bit tricky, but we managed.  The people on the distressed boat thanked us all and were glad to be safely.

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