Friday, April 13, 2012

New Zealand–Day Five

The Interislander ferry left Wellington at 8am and headed across Cook Strait and into Queen Charlotte Sound. The journey takes three hours to Picton on the south island.
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The views were quite spectacular and I felt I was on a cruise rather than on a ferry.
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After docking in Picton , I collected my next hire car and headed to the east coast and Kaikoura.
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I checked into my accommodation, which was a neat little cottage and then explored the town of Kaikoura. The name 'Kaikoura' translates to 'meal of crayfish' ('kai'- food/meal, 'koura' - crayfish). Great I thought, maybe crayfish for tonight’s meal, I found a roadside stall, however crayfish was $50 – $70 each. I bought instead an awesome fish chowder for $5 and 6 scallops with rice& salad for $8. Bargain!
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Sun going down over the mountains

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