Sunday, January 08, 2012

Albany Summer School

Well ! I’m back from Sydney with only a few days to get all the materials together for my 5 hrs drive to Albany for teaching at the Albany Summer School. You can’t believe the amount of equipment that I have to get into my Subaru. Firstly there’s my kiln all 37 kilos of it, then there’s my oven for curing polymer clay, the de-hydrator for drying the metal clay, the sewing machine for textiles in the second week plus all the other tools and materials.
The students were great and did some fantastic work. Some of them have been coming to the Albany Summer School for many years, participating in the many different workshops and classes on offer.
Here are a few photos of the Metal Clay Class:
IMG_0421   IMG_0465  
Straight out of the kiln                        Finished work displayed
IMG_0396   IMG_0399   IMG_0405   IMG_0423   IMG_0435
IMG_0437   IMG_0442   IMG_0454   IMG_0425   IMG_0430   IMG_0453

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