Thursday, August 11, 2011

Flight to Darwin

This morning I drove to the airport early in the morning to catch my flight to Darwin. I wore layers of clothes as it was freezing but knew I’d be peeling them off later in the day as the temperatures in the Northern Territory have been in the mid thirties. I had a bit of a panic as I was stuck in early morning traffic for what seemed ages. However I got to the airport in good time and found the long stay car park where I was leaving my car for the six days I am away.

I had booked a window seat on the Qantas flight. I like to see the terrain below me. There was hardly any cloud cover so I had a perfect view of the vast open spaces.

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The views of rock formations, sand dunes, salt lakes and river systems are a great source of inspiration for my art work, both in jewellery design and textiles.

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