Sunday, April 05, 2009

More Bronze

I used one of the polymer surface textures that I showed in a previous posting for the above pairs of earring circles. It's one of my favourites and came from a small wire woven piece that I made years ago.

The above piece is made using Hadar's techniques. I cut out a square of bronze clay and drapped it over a base of clay, just like fabric. I then pressed the folds down onto the base to make them secure and finished the edges.

This pair are made using several textures and laying them on a base to give the impression of a ocean scene. The colours are interesting, so different in each disc. It's very exciting opening the kiln after a firing and delveing through the charcoal to discover the amazing colours.


  1. These are just delightful Pam. I can see you are thoroughly engrossed in your experiments with the new Bronze clay and look forward to seeing and hearing about your progress with this new material.

  2. That Bronze Clay looks very exciting with the new kiln you have you must be busy!
    Have a wonderful birthday.
