Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Christmas Day

Wow! So much snow!

I hadn't skied before, but what an experience.

Enjoyed a week skiing in temperatures ranging from - 6 degrees to -20 up on top of the mountain. All a bit of a shock after leaving temps of 38 in Australia.
I was really proud of myself after skiing 6kms down a mountain on the third day and 14kms on the last day. I had numerous falls and acquired heaps of bruises. I was really scared when going so fast and out of control but it was a fantastic experience and I plan to ski again, next time in Australia.


  1. Wow & WOW. Thats fantastic way to spend Christmas mum! Im so proud of you!!! NOW SEND ME MORE PICS!! the views look amazing!!! Glad your having fun!! Love Ruthie xxx

  2. I agree with your daughter Pam! Good for you. I have never skied. It's very cold here, but we don't have snow yet.
    Some time ago we were in contact about a certain topic. Are you still interested? Don't worry if you have lost interest it happens all the time. But can you drop me a line to let us know please?
