Monday, December 10, 2007

Many sad things

Alot of sad things have happened in my life over the past few months. The breakup of my 23yr marriage has completely devastated me. The betrayal of my trusted partner has been too much to bear.
Recently I attended the memorial service of a friend that was diagnosed with cancer in August and passed away in October. He was a talented horseman and furniture maker. Then one of my suppliers that I visit weekly suddenly died. Yesterday when I returned home from the Sunday market I found that my property had been broken into. I have had a number of items stolen and I have just spent the afternoon with the police who have fingerprinted various items. I feel very sad and alone.


  1. Dear Pam: I am very sorry you are having all these mis-fortunate things happen in your life. The fact that you are sharing them here, in your blog, where you have many friends, admirers and fellow artists you are not alone. I truly believe that for every thing that happens, good or bad, there is a deep, important, and most especially, reason for good. Keep that light shinning in yourself and accept help when it is offered. We as women go thru sooo much in life, and not all of it is good or happy, but at the outcome of whatever, it makes sense. I will light a candle for you and keep you in my prayers.
    Love to you, Sandra (Arizona, USA)

  2. Hi Pam.
    I'm so sorry you seem to be having a run of sad happenings in your life just now. I have found that these things do happen in patches and then they pass and you will hit a very good patch. I think it should be just about time for that to happen to you.
    My thoughts are with you.
    You say you feel alone, join in as many things as you can on the internet and you will not be alone. You have so much to share, with us. Have you thought of joining in a swap? Nothing too complicated this time - A postcard swap perhaps?
    Some virtual hugs coming your way, Mags
