Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Visit to

I had to do a few errands in the city, so treated myself to a visit to Dale at the Thread Studio. It's like visiting 'Aladin's Cave' with all the yummy items on offer. I came awat with some new books. I bought the latest Cloth Paper Scissors magazine which usually has some interesting articles. Valerie Campbell-Harding's Edges & Finishes in Machine Embroidery which I keep getting out of the library and is such a great reference book. I covered quite alot of Val's techniques in the online couse with Maggie Grey. Val's books are always an inspiration to me and since her untimely death recently are even more treasured. I think I'll collect every one of her books.The last book I purchased is Sandra Meech's Creative Quilts. This one was a bit of the spur of the moment. I'm not a quilter but since doing my latest works on canvas thought that the ideas would lend themselves to a quilt (quilt as in a piece of fabric painted and stitched through 3 layers). Just flicking through the book there is much on exploration, design & composition, all of which I'm at home with but little on construction. I will have to investigate further.

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